Who Urgently Need PathFree
Over 5,355,450 Nurses in the United States
Over 1,073,616 Total Doctors in the United States
Over 500,000 Dentists in the United States
Over 150,000 Veterinarians practicing in the United States
This is just in the United States
Over 3,800,000 Nurses in China with plans to expandit’s number of nurses to 5.5 million by 2025
Over 4,090,000 Doctors in China
Over 200,000 Dentists in China
Over 400,000 Veterinarians in China
This is just in China
Over 704,520 Nurses in the UK
Over 400,000 Doctors in the UK
Over 23,700 Dentists in the UK
Over 30,000 Veterinarians in the UK
Over 3,300,000 Nurses in India
Over 1,301,319 Doctors in India
Over 289,000 Dentists in India
Over 67,785 Veterinarians in India
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