
About Us

Welcome to PathFree Technologies Corporation, we are a medical device manufacturer dedicated to developing innovative, cutting-edge solutions that improve patient outcomes and advance the field of medicine. Our team of experts has been working tirelessly to design, engineer and manufacture a range of proprietary medical devices that are poised to revolutionize the healthcare industry.

At PathFree Technologies, we understand the critical role that medical devices play in patient care, and we are committed to delivering the highest quality products that meet the needs of healthcare professionals and patients around the world. Our mission is to innovate, create and deliver groundbreaking medical technologies that enable better patient care, greater efficiency, and improved outcomes.

Our approach to innovation is simple: we listen to our customers and work closely with healthcare providers to understand their unique challenges and needs. With this knowledge, we leverage our expertise in design, engineering, and manufacturing to develop medical devices that are not only effective but also user-friendly, safe, and affordable.

As a global medical device manufacturer, we are proud to offer a range of proprietary products that address critical medical needs across various therapeutic areas. Our products are backed by years of research and development, and we are confident that they will make a significant impact in the field of medicine.

At PathFree Technologies, we are committed to setting the highest standards of quality, safety, and performance for all our products. Our manufacturing processes adhere to the most stringent regulatory standards and are certified by relevant regulatory agencies. We are dedicated to maintaining the highest level of quality assurance and control to ensure that our products meet or exceed the expectations of healthcare professionals and patients alike.

We are excited to launch our proprietary medical devices to the global market and look forward to working with healthcare providers and patients to improve patient care and outcomes. Thank you for your interest in PathFree Technologies Corporation.

PathFree Technologies will be introducing a full product line of patented innovative medical devices over the next several months.

PathFree Technologies Corporation’s Mission Statement

At PathFree Technologies Corporation, our mission is to revolutionize the field of medical response by leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. We understand that every second counts, especially during life-saving procedures such as Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS).

With our innovative medical device, DataSyteAiCLS, we aim to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of these critical procedures. By providing real-time guidance and feedback to medical response teams, we strive to reduce errors and improve patient outcomes.

We are dedicated to equipping medical professionals with state-of-the-art technology that harnesses the full potential of AI and machine learning. DataSyteAiCLS not only supports decision-making processes but also adapts and learns from data to continuously enhance its capabilities.

Our commitment extends to fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation, working closely with medical experts and practitioners. Through ongoing research and development, we are determined to stay at the forefront of advancements in medical response, ensuring our solutions meet the evolving needs of healthcare providers and patients.

Ultimately, our vision is to make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals in critical situations. By combining cutting-edge technology with human expertise, we strive to empower medical response teams to save more lives, improve patient care, and contribute to a healthier, safer world.


Lianna Zhang – President

Lianna Zhang, a name synonymous with resilience, determination, and success, has been a beacon of inspiration for many. Her journey from Beijing to becoming a successful entrepreneur in the United States is a testament to her indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment to her dreams.

Early Life and Education

Born and raised in Beijing, Lianna Zhang embarked on her academic journey at the prestigious Beijing University. She graduated in 1993 with a master’s degree in Economics, a field that would later play a crucial role in her entrepreneurial journey.

Professional Beginnings in Beijing

After graduation, Zhang began her professional career at the China Export Commodities Base Corporation, an Import/Export company based in Beijing. This experience provided her with a solid foundation in international business, a skill set that would prove invaluable in her future endeavors.

Journey to America

In 2001, Zhang made the bold decision to move to America. With her strong work ethic and determination, she successfully established a health and wellness business with multiple locations. This venture not only showcased her entrepreneurial spirit but also her ability to adapt and thrive in a new environment.

Becoming a U.S. Citizen and Real Estate Success

After years of hard work and navigating the complex U.S. immigration system, Zhang achieved a significant milestone in 2009 when she became a U.S. citizen. Her success story didn’t stop there. By 2016, she had become a successful real estate agent in California, serving the Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties.

A Successful Entrepreneur in Health and Wellness

Zhang’s health and wellness businesses have been thriving for over 20 years. Her success in this industry is a testament to her business acumen, leadership skills, and commitment to promoting health and wellness.

Community Involvement

Beyond her professional achievements, Zhang is also deeply involved in her community. She regularly volunteers for different associations throughout Southern California, demonstrating her commitment to giving back to the community that has been instrumental in her success.

Leading PathFree Technologies Corporation

Today, as the President of PathFree Technologies Corporation, Zhang continues to inspire with her leadership. Her journey, marked by resilience, hard work, and success, serves as a powerful reminder of what can be achieved with determination and a dream.

In conclusion, Lianna Zhang is not just a successful entrepreneur and business leader; she is a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide. Her journey from Beijing to the United States, her success in the health and wellness industry, her achievements in real estate, and her commitment to her community are all testament to her exceptional character and leadership.

Dr. Perry M. Brunette’s Leadership and Vision for the Medical Device Industry

Dr. Perry M. Brunette stands out in the medical device industry due to his blend of financial acumen and technological insight. His recent appointment as the CEO of PathFree Technologies Corporation is a testament to these capabilities.

Dr. Perry M. Brunette: From CFO to CEO

Dr. Brunette’s transition to the CEO of PathFree Technologies Corporation is a reflection of his profound expertise and dedication. His distinct blend of financial knowledge and technological foresight is notable.

Merging Finance with Technology

Dr. Brunette has effectively leveraged his financial background to align with technological advancements, as evident in his involvement with DataSyteAiCLS project.

With Dr. Brunette’s vision of advanced features such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Predictive Analytics, and Integration with IoT Devices, etc. we now have DataSyteAiCLS.

Enhanced Training and Simulation

DataSyteAiCLS offers enhanced training and simulation with VR capabilities, allowing medical staff to hone their skills and reduce the likelihood of human error during critical situations.

Automatic Inventory Management

DataSyteAiCLS also features an automatic inventory management system, ensuring that medical supplies are always stocked and ready for use.

Continuous Improvement

DataSyteAiCLS is designed for continuous improvement, with its AI capabilities allowing it to learn and adapt over time, further enhancing its effectiveness in emergency situations.

The AI-driven features and capabilities of DataSyteAiCLS make it an invaluable tool for medical response teams, reducing knowledge gaps, minimizing human errors, and ultimately improving patient outcomes during cardiopulmonary arrest situations.

Transparency as a Priority

Dr. Brunette has always emphasized clear and straightforward communication, which has strengthened PathFree’s standing in the medical device sector.

Track Record and Achievements

Dr. Brunette’s accomplishments span securing significant investments to launching ambitious tech projects. His keen business understanding, and strategic risk approach have been valuable assets to PathFree.

PathFree’s Formation and the Road Ahead

It was Dr. Brunette’s vision and initiative that led to the formation of PathFree Technologies Corporation. Under his leadership, the company is poised for significant growth and innovation..

Emphasis on Technological Advancements

Technology remains at the forefront of Dr. Brunette’s strategy for PathFree. Stakeholders can anticipate pioneering solutions focused on enhancing patient safety and advancing healthcare standards.

Building Strategic Alliances

Beyond product innovation, Dr. Brunette envisions expanding PathFree’s global reach through strategic partnerships, broadening its impact and influence.

A Culture of Continued Innovation

With Dr. Brunette’s guidance, PathFree is geared to maintain its innovative approach in the medical device industry, setting new standards and benchmarks.

In conclusion, Dr. Perry M. Brunette’s leadership as the CEO of PathFree Technologies Corporation, a company he envisioned and formed, indicates a promising and progressive future for the firm. His focus on technology, partnership-building, and innovation ensures that PathFree is on a trajectory of revolutionizing emergency medical care. Dr. Brunette’s background in both healthcare and business positions him well to navigate the challenges and opportunities within the medical device industry. By harnessing the power of AI and fostering strong industry partnerships, PathFree is poised to make a significant impact on how medical professionals save lives.

Neil Sahota – CCO – Chief Commercial Officer

Role as CCO

As the Chief Commercial Officer at PathFree Technologies, Neil Sahota plays a pivotal role in shaping the company’s commercial strategy and driving growth. His leadership is instrumental in expanding the company’s market presence and establishing it as a leader in innovative technologies.

United Nations Advisor

Advisory Role

Neil Sahota’s expertise is recognized on a global scale through his role as a United Nations Advisor. In this capacity, he provides invaluable insights and guidance on leveraging technology for sustainable development and addressing global challenges.

Contributions to Global Initiatives

Sahota has contributed to various UN initiatives aimed at harnessing technology to improve lives. His work involves advising on the implementation of tech solutions to tackle issues such as poverty, education, and healthcare, thereby making a positive impact on communities worldwide.

IBM Master Inventor

Innovation and Invention

Neil Sahota’s tenure at IBM is marked by his designation as an IBM Master Inventor. This prestigious title reflects his significant contributions to innovation and his ability to create groundbreaking solutions that address complex problems.

Patents and Innovations

Sahota holds numerous patents, showcasing his ability to innovate and push the boundaries of technology. His inventions span across various domains, including artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cloud computing, demonstrating his versatility and ingenuity.

Tech Coast Angel

Role in Tech Coast Angels

As a member of Tech Coast Angels, Neil Sahota plays a crucial role in supporting and mentoring startups. His expertise in technology and business strategy is invaluable to emerging entrepreneurs looking to navigate the challenges of launching and scaling their ventures.

Impact on Startups

Sahota’s involvement with Tech Coast Angels has led to the successful launch of several startups. His mentorship and guidance have helped these companies secure funding, develop robust business models, and achieve sustainable growth.

Guiding Fortune 500 Companies

Strategic Leadership

Neil Sahota’s expertise is sought after by Fortune 500 companies looking to stay ahead in the digital age. His strategic leadership and ability to foresee technological trends have made him a trusted advisor for these industry giants.

Digital Transformation

Sahota’s guidance has been pivotal in driving digital transformation initiatives. He helps companies leverage emerging technologies to optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Contributions to Government Agencies

Policy and Strategy

Government agencies benefit from Sahota’s deep understanding of technology and its applications. His insights assist in shaping policies and strategies that promote the adoption of innovative solutions for public service delivery.

Implementation of Tech Solutions

Sahota’s work with government agencies includes the implementation of tech solutions to improve efficiency and transparency. His contributions have led to the successful deployment of technologies that enhance public sector performance.

Impact on Non-Profits and Academic Institutions

Non-Profit Sector

Neil Sahota’s influence extends to the non-profit sector, where he helps organizations leverage technology to achieve their missions. His expertise aids in developing tech-driven strategies that maximize impact and resource utilization.

Academic Contributions

In the academic realm, Sahota collaborates with institutions to advance research and innovation. His involvement includes guest lectures, advisory roles, and collaborative projects that bridge the gap between academia and industry.


Neil Sahota’s multifaceted career is a testament to his expertise and leadership in the tech industry. As the CCO at PathFree Technologies, a United Nations Advisor, an IBM Master Inventor, and a member of Tech Coast Angels, he has made significant contributions to various sectors, guiding them towards a digital future. His impact is felt globally, from Fortune 500 companies to government agencies, non-profits, and academic institutions, showcasing his ability to drive innovation and foster growth.

Lia A. Dibello Ph.D. – CSO – Chief Science Officer

Dr. Lia DiBello: Pioneering Innovation in Cognitive Science and Executive Intelligence

Dr. Lia DiBello is a prominent figure in cognitive science and executive intelligence, renowned for her innovative methods and substantial contributions to various industries. As the Chief Science Officer at PathFree Technologies and the Research Director for ACSILabs, Dr. DiBello has developed groundbreaking tools and methodologies that have transformed how executives assess skills and make business judgments. This Bio only begins to highlight her achievements, methodologies, and the wide-ranging impact of her work.

Innovative Methods of Assessing Executive Skills

The FutureView™ Profiler

Dr. DiBello’s development of the FutureView™ Profiler is a landmark achievement in the field of executive intelligence. Recognized as a breakthrough in knowledge elicitation and executive intelligence, this tool was awarded the Innovative Technology Award by TechAmerica in 2008 and received funding from the National Science Foundation. The FutureView™ Profiler allows organizations to accurately assess the skills and business judgment of their executives, leading to better decision-making and improved performance.

Strategic Rehearsal Approach

Another cornerstone of Dr. DiBello’s work is her activity-based ‘strategic rehearsal’ approach. This method accelerates learning through cognitive reorganization, enabling individuals to enhance their skills and knowledge rapidly. Studies involving over 7,000 participants have shown that her methods can shorten the learning curve by several months, resulting in unprecedented performance improvements and significant competitive advantages for companies.

Global Impact Across Diverse Industries

Wide-Ranging Applications

Dr. DiBello’s methodologies are utilized globally across various industries, including mining, transportation, financial services, IT implementation, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals. Her innovative approaches have proven effective in diverse contexts, demonstrating the versatility and broad applicability of her work.

Published Research and Theoretical Significance

Numerous articles have been published on the business benefits and theoretical significance of Dr. DiBello’s work in cognitive science. Her research has contributed to a deeper understanding of how cognitive processes can be harnessed to improve business performance and organizational learning.

Academic Background and Research Contributions

Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology

Dr. DiBello received her Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from the CUNY Graduate School in New York, studying under the late Distinguished Professor Sylvia Scribner, a pioneer in workplace cognitive studies. This strong academic foundation has been instrumental in shaping her innovative approaches to cognitive science and executive intelligence.

Research Funding and Achievements

Since directing research at WTRI, Dr. DiBello has received 17 basic research funding awards from prestigious institutions, including the National Science Foundation, NASA, and The Russell Sage Foundation. These awards underscore the significance and impact of her research contributions.

Exploring New Frontiers: 3-D Virtual World Settings

Virtual World Development Projects

Currently, Dr. DiBello’s team is testing her assessment approach and learning model in 3-D virtual world settings. Since 2007, she has led over six virtual world development projects, linking advanced technology to virtual worlds for business performance improvement and cognitive agility.

Recognition and Partnerships

Dr. DiBello’s work in virtual worlds has garnered recognition and formal research partnerships with leading virtual world developers such as Linden Labs and SAIC. These collaborations highlight the innovative nature of her research and its potential to revolutionize business applications through advances in cognitive science.

Publications and Teaching

Authored Works

In addition to her applied work in industry, Dr. DiBello has authored numerous journal articles, book chapters, and presentations. Her publications provide valuable insights into the theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of her methodologies.

Teaching and Speaking Engagements

Dr. DiBello has also taught courses on the development of expertise, technology deployment and design, and accelerated organizational change as a visiting professor. Furthermore, she is a sought-after speaker at conferences and professional meetings, where she shares her expertise and insights with a wider audience.


Dr. Lia DiBello’s contributions to cognitive science and executive intelligence have had a profound impact on various industries worldwide. Through innovative tools like the FutureView™ Profiler and methodologies such as the strategic rehearsal approach, she has revolutionized how organizations assess and develop executive skills. Her work continues to drive advancements in business performance and organizational learning, solidifying her reputation as a thought leader and industry authority.

Darren Saravis – CTO – Chief Technology Officer

Darren Saravis – Bridging the Gap Between Design, Engineering, and Market Strategy

Darren Saravis, a name synonymous with innovation and entrepreneurship in the medical field, has carved a niche for himself as a transformative force. His ability to bridge the gap between design, engineering, and market strategy has led to the creation of numerous commercially successful products.

Early Life and Education

Darren Saravis’s journey began with a strong foundation in science and technology. His early interest in these fields set the stage for a career characterized by innovative thinking and a passion for problem-solving. Growing up, Saravis was always fascinated by the way things worked, often taking apart household gadgets to understand their mechanics.

Academic Pursuits

Saravis pursued his education with a focus on engineering and design. He earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering from a prestigious university, where he honed his skills in product design and development. His academic background provided the technical expertise needed to excel in the competitive field of medical technology.

Career Highlights

Early Career

Saravis began his career at a renowned medical device company, where he quickly rose through the ranks due to his innovative ideas and dedication to excellence. His work in the early stages of his career laid the groundwork for his future successes.

Founding Innovo Medical

One of Saravis’s most notable achievements is the founding of Innovo Medical, a company dedicated to developing cutting-edge medical devices. Under his leadership, Innovo Medical has introduced several groundbreaking products that have significantly impacted the medical industry. These products have not only improved patient outcomes but also set new standards in medical technology.

Pioneering Work in Medical Devices

Saravis’s work in medical devices is characterized by a focus on user-centered design and innovative engineering solutions. He has been instrumental in the development of devices that are both efficient and user-friendly, ensuring that they meet the needs of both healthcare professionals and patients. His approach to product development involves a deep understanding of the medical field and a commitment to solving real-world problems.

Bridging the Gap Between Design, Engineering, and Market Strategy

Design Thinking

At the core of Saravis’s success is his application of design thinking principles. This approach emphasizes empathy, creativity, and iterative testing, allowing for the development of products that truly meet user needs. Saravis’s design thinking methodology has been pivotal in creating products that are not only innovative but also highly functional and user-friendly.

Engineering Excellence

Saravis’s engineering background has enabled him to push the boundaries of what is possible in medical device design. He leverages the latest technologies and materials to create products that are both durable and effective. His engineering prowess is evident in the numerous patents he holds for various medical devices.

Market Strategy

Understanding the market is crucial for the success of any product. Saravis has a keen insight into market trends and consumer needs, which he integrates into his product development process. His ability to strategically position products in the market has been a key factor in their commercial success.

Impact on the Medical Industry

Improving Patient Outcomes

The products developed under Saravis’s leadership have had a profound impact on patient outcomes. Innovations such as non-invasive diagnostic tools and advanced therapeutic devices have improved the quality of care for countless patients. These advancements have not only enhanced the effectiveness of treatments but also reduced recovery times and improved overall patient experiences.

Setting Industry Standards

Saravis’s work has set new benchmarks in the medical technology industry. His commitment to quality and innovation has inspired other companies to elevate their standards, leading to overall improvements in the industry. The success of his products has demonstrated the importance of integrating design, engineering, and market strategy in the development process.

Recognitions and Awards

Industry Accolades

Saravis’s contributions to the medical field have not gone unnoticed. He has received numerous awards and accolades for his work, including prestigious industry recognitions that highlight his innovative contributions and leadership in medical technology.

Thought Leadership

In addition to his hands-on work, Saravis is also a respected thought leader in the industry. He frequently speaks at conferences and seminars, sharing his insights on innovation, product development, and market strategy. His thought leadership has influenced many up-and-coming professionals in the field.

Future Directions

Continuing Innovation

Saravis shows no signs of slowing down. He continues to explore new frontiers in medical technology, driven by a desire to improve healthcare outcomes. His ongoing projects promise to bring even more innovative solutions to the market, further cementing his legacy as a pioneer in the field.

Mentorship and Collaboration

Saravis is also committed to mentoring the next generation of innovators. He actively collaborates with academic institutions and research organizations to nurture young talent and foster a culture of innovation and excellence. His mentorship is helping to shape the future of the medical technology industry.


Darren Saravis is a seasoned innovator and entrepreneur whose work has transformed visionary medical concepts into commercially successful products. His unique ability to bridge the gap between design, engineering, and market strategy has led to groundbreaking advancements in the medical field. Saravis’s contributions have not only set new standards in the industry but also improved patient outcomes worldwide. As he continues to innovate and inspire, Saravis remains a leading figure in the realm of medical technology.

Elaine Duncan

Elaine Duncan Leading Expert in Regulatory and Clinical Strategies for Medical Technology

Elaine Duncan is a leading expert in regulatory and clinical strategies for medical technology. With extensive experience spanning both Fortune 500 companies and start-ups, she specializes in guiding clients through complex regulatory pathways, biocompatibility analysis, and product validation for global markets. Her unparalleled expertise makes her a valuable asset in the medical technology sector.

Elaine Duncan’s Professional Background

Experience with Fortune 500 Companies

Elaine Duncan has a robust background working with some of the world’s largest and most influential companies. Her experience with Fortune 500 companies has provided her with a comprehensive understanding of the stringent regulatory requirements and high standards necessary to bring medical technologies to market. This experience ensures that she can adeptly navigate the complexities of regulatory approval processes on a global scale.

Start-Up Expertise

In addition to her work with large corporations, Elaine has also been instrumental in the success of numerous start-ups. Her ability to tailor regulatory strategies to meet the unique needs of smaller, innovative companies has helped these organizations achieve regulatory compliance and market entry efficiently and effectively. Elaine’s guidance helps start-ups to avoid common pitfalls and accelerates their path to commercialization.

Specialization in Regulatory Pathways

Navigating Complex Regulatory Environments

Elaine Duncan’s expertise in regulatory pathways is one of her most significant strengths. She has an in-depth knowledge of the various regulatory bodies, including the FDA in the United States, EMA in Europe, and other global regulatory agencies. Her ability to interpret and apply regulatory guidelines ensures that her clients’ products meet all necessary standards and regulations, facilitating smooth and successful approvals.

Customized Regulatory Strategies

Elaine understands that each medical technology is unique and requires a tailored regulatory strategy. She works closely with her clients to develop customized plans that address their specific needs and challenges. This personalized approach maximizes the chances of regulatory success and minimizes time to market.

Expertise in Biocompatibility Analysis

Ensuring Safety and Efficacy

Biocompatibility analysis is a critical component of medical device development. Elaine Duncan’s expertise in this area ensures that her clients’ products are safe and effective for their intended use. She conducts thorough evaluations of materials and designs to identify any potential biocompatibility issues early in the development process.

Comprehensive Testing and Documentation

Elaine’s approach to biocompatibility analysis involves comprehensive testing and meticulous documentation. She guides her clients through the entire process, from initial assessments to final reports, ensuring that all necessary data is collected and presented in a format that meets regulatory requirements. This thorough approach not only ensures compliance but also builds confidence in the safety and efficacy of the product.

Product Validation for Global Markets

International Standards and Requirements

Bringing a medical device to global markets requires adherence to a wide array of international standards and requirements. Elaine Duncan’s expertise in product validation ensures that her clients’ products meet these diverse criteria. She is well-versed in the standards set by organizations such as ISO, IEC, and others, and she helps her clients navigate these requirements effectively.

Streamlining the Validation Process

Elaine’s experience allows her to streamline the product validation process, making it as efficient and cost-effective as possible. She works with her clients to develop robust validation plans that address all necessary aspects, from pre-clinical testing to clinical trials and beyond. Her goal is to ensure that products are validated quickly and thoroughly, paving the way for successful market entry.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Fortune 500 Company Success

One notable example of Elaine Duncan’s impact is her work with a leading Fortune 500 medical technology company. She played a pivotal role in guiding the company through the regulatory approval process for a groundbreaking new device. Her expertise in regulatory strategy and biocompatibility analysis was instrumental in achieving FDA approval, allowing the company to bring their innovative product to market swiftly.

Start-Up Triumph

Elaine has also been a key player in the success of several start-ups. For instance, she assisted a small, innovative company in navigating the complex regulatory landscape to gain approval for a novel medical device. Her customized regulatory strategy and thorough product validation plan were crucial in helping the start-up achieve market entry and subsequent success.

Elaine Duncan’s Influence on the Industry

Thought Leadership and Advocacy

Thought Leadership

Elaine Duncan is widely recognized as a thought leader in the medical technology industry. She frequently shares her insights and expertise through publications, presentations, and industry events. Her thought leadership helps to shape industry standards and practices, and her advocacy for innovation and patient safety is widely respected.

Mentorship and Training

In addition to her direct client work, Elaine is also committed to mentoring the next generation of regulatory and clinical strategy professionals. She offers training and development programs that equip emerging professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in this complex field. Her mentorship ensures that her legacy of excellence will continue to influence the industry for years to come.


Elaine Duncan’s extensive experience and specialized expertise make her an invaluable asset in the medical technology sector. Her ability to navigate complex regulatory environments, conduct thorough biocompatibility analyses, and validate products for global markets has helped numerous companies achieve regulatory compliance and market success. As a leading expert in regulatory and clinical strategies, Elaine continues to drive innovation and excellence in the industry.

Sally Dillehay

Sally Dillehay – Extensive Experience in FDA/CE/ISO Regulatory Submissions, Quality Systems, and Clinical Trials for Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals

Sally Dillehay is a highly respected professional with a wealth of experience in FDA/CE/ISO regulatory submissions, quality systems, and clinical trials for medical devices and pharmaceuticals. Her expertise extends to developing clinical literature reviews, evaluation reports, and data transition plans for MEDDEV and MDR submissions.

Professional Background

Sally Dillehay began her journey in the medical and pharmaceutical fields with a strong educational foundation. She holds advanced degrees in relevant disciplines, providing her with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for her career. Her academic background laid the groundwork for her expertise in regulatory submissions and clinical trials.

Entry into Regulatory Affairs

Sally’s entry into regulatory affairs was marked by her keen interest in ensuring that medical devices and pharmaceuticals meet the stringent standards set by regulatory bodies. Her early roles involved detailed work on FDA submissions, where she quickly became known for her meticulous attention to detail and comprehensive understanding of regulatory requirements.

Expertise in Regulatory Submissions

FDA Submissions

Sally Dillehay has an extensive track record of successful FDA submissions. Her deep understanding of FDA guidelines and her ability to navigate the complex submission process have been crucial in securing approvals for numerous medical devices and pharmaceuticals. Her work ensures that products not only meet regulatory standards but also reach the market in a timely manner.

CE and ISO Certifications

In addition to FDA submissions, Sally is proficient in CE marking and ISO certifications. Her knowledge of European regulations and international standards has enabled her to assist companies in achieving compliance with CE marking requirements and obtaining ISO certifications, which are essential for global market access.

Quality Systems Management

Development and Implementation

Sally’s expertise extends beyond regulatory submissions to the development and implementation of quality systems. She has played a pivotal role in creating robust quality management systems that ensure product safety and efficacy. Her work in this area includes the establishment of standard operating procedures (SOPs), quality manuals, and continuous improvement processes.

Audits and Compliance

Conducting internal and external audits is another area where Sally excels. Her thorough audits ensure compliance with regulatory standards and help identify areas for improvement. Her proactive approach to compliance has been instrumental in maintaining high standards of quality across various organizations.

Clinical Trials Management

Designing and Overseeing Clinical Trials

Sally Dillehay’s experience in clinical trials is extensive. She has designed and overseen numerous clinical trials, ensuring they are conducted in accordance with regulatory requirements and ethical standards. Her work in this area includes protocol development, patient recruitment, data management, and result analysis.

Collaboration with Research Teams

Her ability to collaborate effectively with research teams and principal investigators has been a key factor in the success of the clinical trials she manages. Sally’s leadership ensures that trials are conducted efficiently and produce reliable data that supports regulatory submissions and product approvals.

Developing Clinical Literature Reviews and Evaluation Reports

Comprehensive Literature Reviews

One of Sally’s core strengths is her ability to develop comprehensive clinical literature reviews. These reviews are critical in supporting regulatory submissions and providing evidence of product safety and efficacy. Her reviews are thorough, well-organized, and provide a solid foundation for evaluation reports and regulatory documents.

Evaluation Reports for MEDDEV and MDR Submissions

Sally has a proven track record in developing evaluation reports for MEDDEV and MDR submissions. Her reports are detailed and adhere to the specific requirements of these regulatory frameworks. Her expertise in this area ensures that submissions are complete, accurate, and stand up to regulatory scrutiny.

Data Transition Plans for MEDDEV and MDR

Strategic Planning and Execution

Sally’s experience in developing data transition plans for MEDDEV and MDR submissions is another testament to her strategic planning capabilities. These plans are essential for ensuring that all necessary data is accurately and efficiently transitioned to meet the latest regulatory requirements.

Ensuring Compliance and Efficiency

Her data transition plans not only ensure compliance but also enhance efficiency, reducing the risk of delays in the regulatory process. Sally’s approach to data transition is methodical and comprehensive, ensuring that all aspects of the regulatory requirements are addressed.

Impact on the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industries

Contributions to Product Approvals

Sally Dillehay’s work has directly contributed to the approval of numerous medical devices and pharmaceuticals. Her expertise in regulatory submissions, quality systems, and clinical trials has been instrumental in bringing innovative products to market, improving patient outcomes, and advancing medical technology.

Industry Recognition

Her contributions have not gone unnoticed. Sally is widely recognized in the industry for her expertise and dedication. She has been invited to speak at numerous conferences and has published several articles on regulatory affairs and quality systems management.


Sally Dillehay’s extensive experience in FDA/CE/ISO regulatory submissions, quality systems, and clinical trials for medical devices and pharmaceuticals underscores her importance in these fields. Her ability to develop clinical literature reviews, evaluation reports, and data transition plans for MEDDEV and MDR submissions highlights her comprehensive skill set and dedication to excellence. Sally continues to make significant contributions to the medical and pharmaceutical industries, ensuring that products are safe, effective, and compliant with regulatory standards.

Kerri Eiss

Kerri Eiss – Clinical Expert (RN, BSN, CLNC), with Over Two Decades of Experience in Healthcare Innovation

Kerri Eiss is a renowned clinical expert with a distinguished career spanning over two decades in healthcare innovation. With her extensive knowledge and expertise in various medical fields, Kerri has made significant contributions to the cardiovascular and cardiothoracic operating room, emergency medicine, geriatrics, pediatric psychiatry, and the main operating room.

A Journey of Excellence in Healthcare

Kerri Eiss’s journey in healthcare began with a strong educational foundation. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), which equipped her with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the field. Her pursuit of excellence didn’t stop there; she also became a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant (CLNC), adding another layer of expertise to her already impressive credentials.

Mastery in the Cardiovascular and Cardiothoracic Operating Room

One of Kerri’s most notable areas of expertise is the cardiovascular and cardiothoracic operating room. Her extensive experience in this specialized field has allowed her to develop a deep understanding of the complexities involved in heart and chest surgeries. Kerri’s skills in this area have been instrumental in improving surgical outcomes and patient care, making her a respected figure among her peers.

Innovations in Surgical Procedures

Kerri has been at the forefront of healthcare innovation, particularly in surgical procedures. Her contributions have led to the development of new techniques and protocols that enhance the efficiency and safety of cardiovascular and cardiothoracic surgeries. These innovations have not only improved patient outcomes but also set new standards in the medical community.

Expertise in Emergency Medicine

In addition to her work in the operating room, Kerri Eiss has a wealth of experience in emergency medicine. Her ability to remain calm and composed under pressure has made her an invaluable asset in emergency situations. Kerri’s quick thinking and decisive actions have saved countless lives, earning her a reputation as a top-notch emergency medicine specialist.

Handling Critical Situations with Expertise

Emergency medicine requires a unique set of skills, and Kerri’s proficiency in this area is unparalleled. She has handled a wide range of critical situations, from trauma cases to acute medical emergencies, always providing the highest level of care. Her expertise ensures that patients receive timely and effective treatment, even in the most challenging circumstances.

Geriatrics: Compassionate Care for the Elderly

Kerri Eiss’s dedication to healthcare extends to geriatrics, where she has provided compassionate care for the elderly. Understanding the unique needs of older patients, Kerri has worked tirelessly to improve their quality of life. Her approach combines medical expertise with empathy, ensuring that elderly patients receive the best possible care.

Enhancing Quality of Life for Seniors

Caring for the elderly requires a deep understanding of their physical, emotional, and social needs. Kerri’s holistic approach to geriatrics addresses all these aspects, helping seniors maintain their dignity and independence. Her efforts in this field have been widely recognized and appreciated by patients and their families alike.

Pediatric Psychiatry: Supporting Young Minds

Kerri’s expertise also extends to pediatric psychiatry, where she has made significant strides in supporting the mental health of children and adolescents. Her work in this area is driven by a passion for helping young minds navigate the challenges of mental health issues. Kerri’s compassionate care and innovative approaches have brought hope to many families.

Innovative Approaches to Mental Health

In pediatric psychiatry, Kerri has introduced innovative approaches that focus on early intervention and comprehensive care. Her strategies involve a combination of therapy, medication management, and family support, ensuring that young patients receive well-rounded treatment. Kerri’s commitment to this field has made a profound impact on the lives of many children and their families.

Main Operating Room: Excellence in General Surgery

Kerri Eiss’s versatility is evident in her work in the main operating room, where she has excelled in general surgery. Her broad skill set allows her to handle a variety of surgical procedures with precision and care. Kerri’s contributions to the main OR have been instrumental in improving surgical practices and patient outcomes.

Leadership and Collaboration

In the main operating room, Kerri’s leadership and collaborative spirit shine through. She works closely with surgical teams, ensuring that each procedure is executed flawlessly. Her ability to lead and inspire her colleagues has been key to the success of many surgical operations.

Impact on Healthcare Innovation

Kerri Eiss’s career is a testament to her unwavering commitment to healthcare innovation. Her contributions across various medical fields have led to significant advancements in patient care and surgical practices. Kerri’s work continues to inspire and set new standards in the healthcare industry.

Recognition and Awards

Throughout her career, Kerri has received numerous awards and accolades for her contributions to healthcare. These recognitions highlight her dedication, expertise, and the positive impact she has made on the medical community.

Future Endeavors

Kerri Eiss’s journey in healthcare is far from over. She remains committed to advancing medical practices and improving patient care. With her extensive experience and innovative spirit, Kerri is poised to continue making groundbreaking contributions to the field of healthcare.


Kerri Eiss’s impressive career as a clinical expert (RN, BSN, CLNC) showcases her dedication to healthcare innovation and patient care. Her extensive knowledge and expertise in the cardiovascular and cardiothoracic operating room, emergency medicine, geriatrics, pediatric psychiatry, and the main OR have made her a respected figure in the medical community. Kerri’s contributions have not only improved surgical outcomes and patient care but have also set new standards in the healthcare industry. Her journey continues to inspire and pave the way for future advancements in medicine.

Rick Turner – Director of Shareholder Relations

Rick Turner: A Catalyst for Innovation and Change

In the fast-paced realm of healthcare and technology, individuals with a diverse skill set and extensive experience often serve as the driving force behind groundbreaking advancements. Rick Turner is one such individual, whose remarkable career has spanned both the military and corporate sectors. With his exceptional leadership, strategic thinking, and unwavering commitment to positive change, Turner has left an indelible mark on the industries he has ventured into.

A Military Career Defined by Excellence

Serving the Nation with Dedication and Precision

Rick Turner’s journey began within the ranks of the United States Air Force at George Air Base Tactical Command. During his tenure, Turner held the prestigious position of Hospital Resource Manager and Patient Administration liaison, playing a pivotal role in ensuring the efficient and effective operations of the base hospital. His unwavering dedication, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence significantly contributed to the overall functionality and success of the command.

Transitioning to the Corporate Sector

A Shift Towards Entrepreneurial Pursuits

After a distinguished military career, Rick Turner successfully transitioned to the dynamic corporate sector. He embarked on a path that led him to various executive roles, including directorships and other C-suite positions in several technology startups. Collectively, these ventures created a value exceeding $50 million, showcasing Turner’s astute business acumen and knack for driving growth and success.

Embracing a New Venture at PathFree Technologies Corporation

Pioneering Medical Device Technology

In the year 2021, Rick Turner embarked on an exciting new chapter in his professional journey. Accepting the position of Director of Shareholder Relations at PathFree Technologies, Turner found himself at the forefront of innovative medical device technology. In this role, he assumes the responsibility of overseeing the company’s private equity division, contributing to its growth and success in the highly competitive healthcare industry.


Rick Turner’s career trajectory, spanning from his dedicated military service to influential roles within the corporate sector, showcases his unwavering commitment to excellence and driving positive change. His exceptional leadership, strategic thinking, and invaluable insights have consistently propelled organizations to new heights. Whether optimizing the operations of a military base hospital or spearheading transformative change within the healthcare industry, Turner’s contributions have left an indelible mark. As a trailblazer in healthcare and technology, Rick Turner continues to push boundaries, shape the future, and make a lasting impact on the world we live in.

John W. Powell III, MBA – Business Development Officer

John W. Powell III, MBA – Business Development Officer at PathFree Technologies Corporation

Leadership Philosophy and Overview

John W. Powell III stands as a formidable force in business development, with an innate ability to drive growth in Expansion Phase organizations. His leadership philosophy is deeply rooted in Servant Leadership, prioritizing the well-being of the organization and its stakeholders.

Educational Achievements

Educationally, Mr. Powell boasts an MBA from Kennesaw State University’s Coles College of Business, a Business Administration degree from California State University, Long Beach, and advanced graduate studies in Financial Planning from the University of California, Los Angeles. His early career saw him excel as a Retirement Planning Practitioner, specializing in portfolio optimization for small businesses. This foundation paved the way for his expertise in Comprehensive Strategic Business Development and Capital Acquisition.

Professional Expertise

Professionally, Mr. Powell is renowned for his acumen in business development. His vast experience encompasses researching new market opportunities, spearheading growth projects, and forecasting revenue. He is adept at delivering financial solutions, capital market strategies, and facilitating access to both institutional and alternative lending sources.

Notable Achievements

With 17 years of investment advisory and executive oversight, Mr. Powell’s leadership at Elite Energy Engineering, LLC in 2015 stands out. As President, he led the company, an OEM for Caterpillar, Inc., in manufacturing innovative methane abatement technologies. Under his guidance, the M.A.G. Power product line was launched, converting methane emissions into renewable energy.

Community Involvement

On the community front, Mr. Powell is an active mentor in Atlanta, Georgia, thanks to his association with the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity. He plays a pivotal role in guiding young aspirants in the Financial Services Sector. Furthermore, his commitment to education is evident as a board member of the NPHC Scholarship Committee, ensuring financial support for deserving students.

Conclusion and Vision

In essence, Mr. Powell is a visionary leader, known for his collaborative approach and belief that collective efforts yield greater results. At PathFree, he remains dedicated to enhancing shareholder value and setting new industry benchmarks.

PathFree Technologies Corporation: Proudly Manufacturing in America

At PathFree Technologies Corporation, we take immense pride in being an American manufacturing company, dedicated to producing high-quality products that are made in America. Our commitment to American manufacturing is a reflection of our belief in the power of American innovation and ingenuity. In this article, we will explore the reasons why we are dedicated to American manufacturing and how our commitment to quality sets us apart from other companies.

Our Story

PathFree Technologies Corporation was founded with a vision of creating innovative and high-quality products that meet the needs of the modern world. We believe in the power of American manufacturing and have made a conscious decision to keep all of our manufacturing processes in the United States. Our company is based in Irvine California, where we draw inspiration from the ingenuity and creativity of our fellow Americans.

Our Commitment to American Manufacturing

At PathFree Technologies Corporation, we are committed to American manufacturing because we believe that it is the best way to create high-quality products that are truly world-class. We are proud to be an American manufacturing company and believe that our commitment to quality is a reflection of our dedication to our customers.

PathFree Technologies Corporation’s dedication to American manufacturing extends to our supply chain as well. We source our raw materials and components from American suppliers whenever possible, ensuring that our entire production process is truly Made in America. We believe that by supporting American suppliers, we are helping to strengthen the American economy and create more jobs in our communities.

There are many reasons why we are dedicated to American manufacturing. One of the most important is the quality of our products. By keeping all of our manufacturing processes in the United States, we are able to ensure that our products meet the highest quality standards. This is because American manufacturing companies are subject to strict regulations and quality standards that ensure that every product is made to the highest standards.

Another reason why we are committed to American manufacturing is because it allows us to create jobs in America. By keeping all of our manufacturing processes in the United States, we are able to create jobs for Americans, which helps to support the local economy. This is something that we are incredibly proud of, and we believe that it is our responsibility as an American company to support our fellow Americans in any way that we can.

Our Quality Standards

At PathFree Technologies Corporation, we are dedicated to ensuring that every product that we produce meets the highest quality standards. We believe that quality is the foundation of our success and that it is what sets us apart from other companies. This is why we have put in place strict quality control measures that ensure that every product that we produce meets our high standards.

One of the ways that we ensure that our products meet our high quality standards is by using the best materials available. We only use materials that meet our strict quality standards, which ensures that our products are of the highest quality. Additionally, we have a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to ensuring that every product that we produce meets our high standards.

In addition to our commitment to American manufacturing, we are also committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. We understand the impact that manufacturing can have on the environment, and we take steps to minimize our carbon footprint and reduce waste in our production processes. We believe that it is our responsibility as a manufacturer to minimize our impact on the environment and help create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, at PathFree Technologies Corporation, we are committed to American manufacturing and proud to say that all of our innovative medical devices are made in America! Our commitment to producing high-quality, effective medical devices is unwavering, and we believe that our success is intertwined with the success of American manufacturing as a whole. We are dedicated to supporting American jobs and the American economy by sourcing our materials from American suppliers and minimizing our impact on the environment through sustainable manufacturing processes. Join us in our commitment to American manufacturing and support the production of quality, Made in America medical devices.

At PathFree Technologies Corporation, we are committed to American manufacturing and producing high-quality products that are made in America. Our commitment to quality is reflected in everything that we do, from the materials that we use to the people that we employ. We believe that our dedication to American manufacturing sets us apart from other companies and that it is the key to our success.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about PathFree Technologies Corporation and our commitment to American manufacturing. We believe that by working together, we can create a better future for America and for the world.

“PathFree Technologies Corporation is committed to American manufacturing, and we’re proud to say that all of our innovative medical devices are made in America!”


The names “PathFree“, “PathFree Technologies“, our brand name “AiMediQ“, our product names “DataSytrAiCLS“, and “DataSyte AI”.
Also our Logos: are Registered Trademarks of PathFree Technologies Corporation and are not to be used without expressed permission from PathFree Technologies Corporation
Registration ID: 02021368

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